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I am a Guardian Ad Litem  GALP 17th District Broward County, Florida



  • Trained and certified, court-appointed volunteer who serves as a voice for abused, neglected and abandoned children in dependency court. I currently hold fifteen training certificates, two include sexual abuse.

  • Help to find relatives and friends for placement to reduce the trauma of being in a new and unfamiliar environment; fought to keep siblings together and ensure that visitations and phone contact occur regularly with healthy and supportive relatives.

  • Investigated and advocated for the children’s medical and educational situations, ensuring that their needs are addressed expeditiously.

  • Work to ensure normalcy by looking out for the children’s social and emotional well-being, making certain they are involved in recreational activities. Such as music, sports, and other healthy activities to help empower them to develop their full potential.

  • Submit best interest recommendations  (briefs) to the court. 


I volunteer at an Animal Rescue


  • Application Processing   

  • Completed hard background checks; interviews of all Veterinarians, HOA's, Employers, and References.

  •  Attempted to Foster dog's, but tended to adopt them instead.  


 501(c)3 Non-Profits


  • I currently sit on the board of a Local 501(c)3 as Community (outreach) Relations.

  • I also sit on the board of a PTA volunteer Board for our local schools

How I serve our community


I volunteer in Community Building and created "Margate Neighbors" on Facebook



  • Digging deep into the issues and coming up with feasible and smart solutions to help the community. 

  • Successfully worked with other community groups and a 501 3c to pull off a large scale toy drive that was city wide in 3 months benefiting 1,700  children and their families. 

  • Earning the support of the community, by growing the group to almost 9,000 local members in under 2 years.  

  • The group is for those who want to make a difference in their community. 

  • Continually facilitating the group in food drives, community clean up, school supplies for 5 schools. backpacks to first responders for children being removed from their homes;  to benefit a total of 5 cities.  

  • Continually supporting our local businesses in their events, advertisements, and volunteering as needed.

  • ​

"Everyone has a 'heart tug' for something, a passion.  Start volunteering there." -Nina Culver

Paid for by Nina Culver, Non Partisan, for Margate City Commission Seat 1

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