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  • Engage in servant leadership by building relationships with people at every level

  • Encourage smart growth by taking advantage of existing and future redevelopment opportunities

  • Make development decisions cheaper, quicker, and more predictable

  • Lower the cost and timetabled inspections for permits

  • Provide tax incentives for job creation

  • Make failing infrastructure a priority

  • Foster better relations with city departments and support their employees

  • Protect property values

  • Fully support our first responders

  • Protect and support families

  • ​

As a Guardian ad Litem, I understand the importance of supporting families in Margate.

 With me, you'll find a dedicated Servant Leader, passionate supporter of military and first responder families, and a tireless advocate for community service and volunteerism.


Let US make a difference TOGETHER!

Paid for by Nina Culver, Non Partisan, for Margate City Commission Seat 1

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